Tips and Tricks

ere is a complete list of tips and tricks basically summarising it all.
N.B. Option can appear as Alt on some keyboards

While Rebooting

[Shift] Will turn off the Extensions

[SPACE] Will call up your Extensions Managing program (if you have one)

[Apple] [Option] Will rebuild the Desktop (also works when inserting disks)

[Apple] [Option + P+R] Will Zap the PRAM doing it 3 times does a full Zap. [Apple] [Option] [Shift] [Delete] Will force the computer to try to boot off external media.

While in the Finder

[Option] Open Will open something and close the folder it was in behind you.

[Option] Close Will close all open finder windows

[Option] About Will change about 'About this Macintosh' to 'About the 'Finder'

[Option] Empty... Will erase even locked files (and won't ask first)

[Option] Clean up Will clean up by name [Apple] Drag Will temporarily toggle the Snap to Grid mode for icons

or more, check out the Finder Shortcuts from the Balloon Help Menu!

Miscellaneous Weird Ones

Anyone with a copy of RAM Doubler can personalise their startup message. Simply open a copy of RAM Doubler in ResEdit and open the DSAT resource, then type in whatever you want (replacing the RAM Doubler installed...). (Useful...NOT).

Pressing [Option] in the Monitors Control Panel creates a happy Mac icon (wow) and holding it down while clicking on Option allows you to change the gamma. (Useful only for those who want Perfect colour).

Pressing [Option] while in the Memory Control Panel allows you to view the creators of this feature. Simply turn it on and while holding down the key, click on the select drive menu.

In SimpleText, not TeachText, you can type in exactly what lies between these quotes "secret about box". (You can actually type in whatever you want) When you type this in, select it all and drag it into the desktop. Ooo, Brickles!

Do Not's

Don't buy a Powerbook if you want an external CD drive.
Don't buy a Duo 230 if you want to be able to print.

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